Washington announces the forcible return of local employees to Russia

Washington announces the forcible return of local employees to Russia

The US State Department announced, on Friday, July 30, that Moscow is forcing it to expel Russian employees from its diplomatic missions in Russia, warning that their departure will have an impact on US diplomatic operations in the country.

«Since August, the Russian government has prohibited the United States from temporarily hiring, hiring, or using personnel from Russia or other countries, except for our security services.Anthony Blinken said in a statement. As a result, the foreign minister added, 182 Russian employees and dozens of temporary workers who worked at the US embassy in Moscow and the consulates of Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg will be expelled.

«These unfortunate actions will have a strong impact on the operations of the US diplomatic mission in Russia, including the security of our personnel, as well as our diplomatic exchanges with the Russian government.Don, is.

In April, Washington adopted a series of additional sanctions targeting Russia, accusing Moscow of electoral interference and cyber attacks. Ten Russian diplomats were expelled from the United States and restrictions were placed on the purchase of Russian debt to American banks. Russia responded by expelling ten American diplomats, threatening funds funded by Washington and NGOs, and not accepting many members of Joe Biden’s cabinet.

«While we regret that the Russian government is forcing us to scale back our services and operations, the United States will honor its commitment to pursue a stable and predictable relationship with Russia.’” Anthony Blinken concluded.

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