Warwick Lupton has increased the fleet of Grand Prix cars to 10

Warwick Lupton has increased the fleet of Grand Prix cars to 10

Salbery de Valleyfield – great president From the New Zealand Grand Prix class team, Warwick Lupton also decided to take the opportunity to fulfill a family dream: to win the Grand Prix de Valleyfield.

Lupton’s big boss will be in New Zealand, Warwick driving his old GP-14 at the Régates de Valleyfield. The father will be able to compete with his sons Ken and Jack.

(Photo: Ben Lemay)

The patriarch will join his sons Ken and Jack Lupton on the course at the classic Campivallensienne next weekend when he drives a GP-14 ‘Hearn Motorsports’ loaner from American Richard Hearn. The boat will carry “GP-7” and the name will be known soon. The vehicle’s social media debut was confirmed by Warwick Lupton today (Tuesday).

The man who drove the boats called the “Annihilator” in New Zealand thought he could get the boat into the Brockville Regatta (Ontario) but the team realized they would have to modify the “belly pelvis” configuration to get the motor into a boat. “We’ll need a week to do the work and the aim is to test the boat the weekend before Valleyfield,” he noted regional voice A resident of Waverley, New Zealand, on Sunday, July 2.

This Grand Prix seaplane, which has been flown in recent years by Andrew Tate and Brendan Kennedy, reaches 10 entries in the 47th Reigets de Valley Field. In all likelihood, the GP-525 (Tom Thompson) and GP-39 (Schaller family) boats will not be present, bringing the GP fleet to ten.

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After the competition at Brookville, Jack Lupton (GP-33) and Ken Brodie II (GP-50) are tied for the HRL Grand Prix class championship, closely followed by Ken Lupton (GP-577). Andrew Tate, winner of the Cambridge GP-88 ‘Hydrofish’, will be at Valleyfield to defend his title which he won in 2022 in ‘Steeler’. Jeff Bernard (GP-79) returns with Mike Grendell’s “GP-79” and Brandon Kennedy will drive the new “TKO Racing” GP-35.

Three Quebec teams will represent Fleur-de-Lys, including the “Plumberry Silko” GP-212 piloted alternately by Yannick Léger and Eric Langevin. Robin Demers (Canada Boy GP-757) and Marc Lecompte (Miss Cléopâtre GP-104) are ready to cause upsets against the Americans and New Zealanders.

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