VAUVERT The City reinvents itself to share public space

VAUVERT The City reinvents itself to share public space

The city of Vauvert is seeking to implement solutions to enhance and secure the movement of pedestrians and bicycles without hindering motorists, with the first action on Rue de Caserne and the passage to the 30th and 20th districts.

Last year, an exhibition of old photos showed Fauvert at the beginning of the century. Everyone could see how lively the streets were, full of people, on foot or by bike, but without cars. More and more citizens are demanding to cross the city on foot, and thus are looking for public spaces, despite the narrow streets, to put them in the forefront and in safety.

The Rue des Casernes will thus be returned to its residents, pedestrians and traders as of Friday, July 12. The pedestrian zone will become a reality in the summer of 2024 and will be decorated in a festive spirit. After the thorough cleaning of this street, the teams will set up planters waiting for the awnings at the start of the school year and orange tree boxes to green this street. A good reason to rediscover the traders and enjoy the heart of the city.

In parallel with the pedestrianization of Rue des Casernes, a road plan is currently being developed as well as a mobility plan that has created a large meeting area throughout the historic heart limited to 20 km. One wish: to invite motorists to slow down. Since 2008, in the Highway Code, a meeting area is a street or part of a street reserved for the movement of all users where the speed of vehicles is limited to 20 km/h. In this area, pedestrians are allowed to move on the road without parking their vehicles and benefit from priority over vehicles. All roads are two-way for cyclists, unless otherwise arranged by the police authority. The entrances and exits to this area are announced by signage and the area is designed in a way that complies with the applicable speed limit. A first step towards a calmer city center that will gradually give way to new developments (plan of area 20 in the annex).

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Also since 2008, when the maximum permitted speed is less than or equal to 30 km/h, all one-way roads are two-way for cyclists, unless otherwise arranged by the authority with police authority. Just like Zone 20, the entrances and exits to this zone are announced by signs and the entire area is designed in such a way that it complies with the applicable speed limit. Cyclists can thus travel in both directions. Thus, since the summer of 2024, the entire urban area has moved to Zone 30, with the exception of specific roads marked at 50 and the meeting area at 20 km.

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