Uri.  Brand new play area for kids at the end of summer

Uri. Brand new play area for kids at the end of summer

The existing Amelots play area will be completely redesigned.
The existing Amelots play area will be completely redesigned. (© Democrat)

Restart Sports facilities three Villages Historical La Chapelle Longville (OR)Here is one of the promises made by the new Municipal team During election On 2020.

For the time being, liabilities are kept: baseline Tennis to me Saint JustAnd the City Stadium to me La Chapelle Ryanville And soon one Play area Brand new in Area Des Amelots is still in Saint-Just.

“The place has been neglected and it is the will of the municipality team to restore every historic village in sport to Youth », Patrice Petrice says, Assistant in charge of sports equipment works.

A multi-sport stadium

Currently, space Entertainment Not suitable for sports: “There are a lot of stones, they are not safe. We will repaint completely by applying it.”asphalt While maintaining the appearance pastoral Place. “

Aside from the floor coverings, the table tops are: table tennis, from The promenade And one Pyramid game It will also install.

Do not forget the guys of Saint-Pierre Dattels

Of the three development projects implemented for sports facilities, two were in the historic village of Saint-Just and one was in La Chapelle-Rienville.

Regarding Saint-Pierre Dutlis, Representative Patrice Butrice would like to stress that the youth of the sector do not forget. He explains that the municipality had a problem with the PLU when it wanted to redevelop the football field.

“We had to do the work on the football stadium in Saint-Pierre, right after the tennis courts in Saint-Just, but the level of the stadium was downgraded. Henceforth it was classified as built ground. In order for us to rehabilitate it, we must first classify it again in Sports venues on our PLU. “

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The decision will take effect in 2022, upon reviewing the latter. “It was a little late, but we can say that by mid-term this file will be closed.”

Fear, harassment

However, with this new arrangement, one of the concerns of the elected official relates to noise That this new place of life could generate:

“Lots of homes surround the place. Therefore, before starting the redevelopment, we asked the residents what they thought. So far, the feedback is positive. They welcome the redevelopment of the area. “

Patrice BottresAssistant in charge of sports equipment works

As for the cost of the operation, it is a budget of 30,000 euros necessary to change the venue: “We hope that we can finance it up to 40%. We have already seen help from Sain-Normandy Agglomeration (SNA) Up to € 8,000 and we hope we can get a second help with DETR (Provision of Equipment for Rural Areas). »

Few weeks of patience on Youth des Amelots and the surrounding area which will be able to indulge in various sporting activities by the end of the summer.

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