Exhibition: Up to Space Air and Space Museum, May 13, 2023, Le Bourget Air and Space Museum.

The Show: Up to Space Saturday, May 13th, at 6 p.m. Free admission to the Air and Space Museum

Go on a space mission with the temporary exhibition up to space ! Characterized by its strong experiential dimension, it invites young and old to put themselves in the shoes of an astronaut: touch the rocks of the Moon and Mars, simulate “space sickness” … More than just a presentation on extraterrestrial life, it is a real adventure to which you are invited!

  • place : Hall between wars
  • Duration : let’s continue
  • Schedule : from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
  • Age recommendation : from 6 years
  • Within reach of people with reduced mobility
  • free access

Air and Space Museum Bourges Airport 93350 Le Bourget Le Bourget 93350 Seine-Saint-Denis Île-de-France 0149927000 http://www.museeairespace.fr/ https://www.facebook.com/ museedelairetdelespace /? fref = nf; https://twitter.com/MuseeAirEspace?ref_src=twsrc999tfw The museum traces the history of mankind’s conquest of the skies from the first balloons to the newest aircraft by way of rockets. A technical, scientific, historical and community museum, preserving and exhibiting aircraft, mostly originals, but also photographs, documents, posters, equipment, costumes, engines, propellers, etc. Which allows us to better understand the whole story. It was opened to the public in 1921 in Chalais-Meudon, and has gradually moved to Le Bourget Airport since the mid-1970s. © Air and Space Museum – Le Bourget / Frédéric Cabeza Access via the A1 motorway, bus 350 and 152. .museeairespace.fr / visiteurs / acces /

Start and end dates and times (year-month-day-hour):
2023-05-13 T18:00:00+02:00 – 2023-05-13T23:00:00+02:00
2023-05-13 T18:00:00+02:00 – 2023-05-13T23:00:00+02:00

© Museum of Air and Space – Paris Le Bourget Airport / Tania Rio

Air and Space Museum Le Bourget