The Secours Solidarity Space helps the most disadvantaged

The Secours Solidarity Space helps the most disadvantaged

Guy Anton, Secretary General of the Diois Committee of the Secours Populaire, since April 5, 2022, inaugurated, on Monday, April 17, the Solidarity Space held at 47 avenue Camille-Buffardel, in the presence of Olivier Premio, Administrative Secretary of the Secours Populaire. and volunteers and local elected officials.

It was also an opportunity to take stock of the sales organized by the volunteers, which allowed the Secours people to continue their acts of solidarity throughout the year.

The items for sale, crockery, small household appliances, household linen etc., are donations from individuals listed, categorized and displayed in the Solidarity Space.

The receipts, amounting to nearly 1,500 euros per month, will allow the active pursuit of solidarity actions of the people of Secours in all its forms, not only by providing access to decent food for all, but also by holidays, culture and medical care among some others but also recently during earthquakes. in Turkey.

This approach could not be done without the support of elected officials and partners, but also from local charities with which the people of Secours maintain good relationships. A measure implemented by the Secours Populaire to combat instability and resume normal life, noting this year a 30% increase in people who resume.

Donations can be deposited in the store, which is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to noon and from 3 to 6 p.m. Address: 47 rue Camille-Buffardel in Die.

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