Two women claim they were kicked off an Air New Zealand flight because they were 'too fat'

Two women claim they were kicked off an Air New Zealand flight because they were 'too fat'

They say they are “hurt” and “humiliated.” Two women who were on an Air New Zealand flight from Napier (New Zealand) to Auckland (New Zealand) on March 8 claim they were kicked off the flight because they were “too big.”

Angel Harding told New Zealand media 1News She felt pain in her left arm after the flight attendant pushed the armrest into her arm. “She stepped forward and started screaming at me, saying that the pilot would not be able to take off if all the armrests were not fastened, and she was very aggressive towards me,” she said, adding that she was in a bad state of suffocation.

As the flight was taxiing down the runway in preparation for takeoff, Angel's friend indicated to the flight attendant that she had better sit down for takeoff, and the latter replied that she could kick them off this flight. She then walked to the front of the plane, grabbed the phone and told passengers they had to evacuate the flight due to “disturbance”, before the plane actually turned around.

“After we hung up, she came over and said to us: You should have reserved four seats, and taken two each “, Angel Harding tells 1News. Once the passengers disembarked, the two women in wheelchairs were separated from the other passengers and asked to change their reservation, without being able to return to the plane.

The company apologized

Angel Harding added that they were not given a real explanation as to why they were kicked off the plane, but she feels discriminated against. “I think they expelled me because of my build and height. (…) They did not say that this was the case, rather they preferred to say that it was because… uncomfortable. »

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The airline then offered to pay for food and accommodation for the two women as well as a flight on Sunday two days later, as they had been unable to find a flight before then. Despite the company's support, the two women are now seeking compensation for “injuries, humiliation and trauma.”

An Air New Zealand spokesperson told… Announce When space is available, staff always make sure passengers who need extra space are placed on board. It specifies that Air New Zealand “strongly recommends” that customers contact the company before travelling, “to ensure a safe and comfortable journey”.

“We are committed to treating all customers with respect and dignity, and we apologize that these customers had an inconsistent experience,” a company official said. “We will continue to work directly with these customers to address their concerns,” she concluded.

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