Two typhoons killed at least 12 in the cities of Wuhan and Suzhou

Two typhoons killed at least 12 in the cities of Wuhan and Suzhou

Winds of more than 100 km / h have caused extensive damage.

On Saturday, May 15, local authorities said two typhoons left at least 12 people dead and more than 300 injured after crossing central and eastern China.

Wuhan, in the center of the country and the cradle of the Coronavirus pandemic, gusts of more than 100 km / hr swept on Friday evening. Authorities in Hubei Province, whose capital is Wuhan, said six people were killed and more than 200 wounded.

The shocks damaged two cranes, one of which collapsed on a construction site, causing severe property damage.

Cars and damaged debris at a construction site after a typhoon struck Wuhan, in central China’s Hubei Province, on May 15, 2021.

In addition to the vehicles damaged by falling objects, trees were uprooted, sheet metal sheds partially destroyed and electric poles stopped, depriving more than 26,000 homes of electricity. Nearly thirty homes collapsed, according to Hubei authorities.

A factory under construction was damaged after a typhoon devastated the Kaidian District of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China on May 15, 2021. Stringer / Reuters

A strong tornado also hit the city of Suzhou, near Shanghai, on Friday evening, with winds exceeding 200 km / h, according to local authorities. The report showed four deaths and one missing, in addition to 130 light injuries. Pictures posted on social media showed a black spiral causing severe damage in its path.

Already in early May, a violent storm with strong winds killed 11 people in a city near Shanghai.

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