Twelve space scholarships from the Ailes de France Foundation

Twelve space scholarships from the Ailes de France Foundation

The call for applications for the Fondation Ailes de France 2023 Space Grants campaign, in partnership with Cnes and supported by Eutelsat, is open until March 15, 2023.

Destination youth

Under the auspices of the Fondation de France France Wings Foundation It aims to contribute to the knowledge and promotion of the field of aviation and space.

It has also set itself the goal of working for the benefit of young people in learning their lives, by supporting, among other things, educational, scientific, cultural and sustainable development projects.

Three goals

For the third year in a row, the Ailes de France Foundation has partnered with CNES Supported byEutelsatoffers scholarships to young people up to the age of 25, from various backgrounds (scientific and non-scientific), who wish to pursue a career in space.

Up to twelve scholarships with a unit value of €5,000 may be awarded after deliberation by a jury of personalities from Cnes, Eutelsat andAir Force and Space and industrial groups in the space sector.

They will allow young people to carry out their study projects towards the space sector.

Through this system, three objectives are targeted: to promote space for young people, to facilitate their integration into the professional world and to highlight French talents in the sector.

The deadline for receiving application files is March 15, 2023.

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