Toulouse.  Seated concerts, outdoor space, bikini are about to come back to life

Toulouse. Seated concerts, outdoor space, bikini are about to come back to life

Le Bikini gathers June 9th to discover their new outdoor music bar before indoor concerts (and seating) return on June 30th.

Bikini parties

The Musical Temple in the Toulouse metropolitan area is about to reopen its doors. To properly find the crowd after many months of abstinence, the Bikini team has booked a nice surprise. In fact, as of June 9, the Concert Hall is preparing an original concept, the Petit Bikini, an outdoor space installed in the parking lot.

Guinguette spirit in a bikini

This new venue will host a bar and fast food area as well as a stage that will be featured by DJs and a few groups. Le Petit Bikini holds 400 people and admission is free. The space is open from Wednesday to Sunday (from 6 pm to 11 pm), and the space will also provide everything customers need for a friendly evening: a bowling alley, ping pong table, arcade stations, quizzes, blind tests and other games …

It accommodates up to 300 people to hold concerts

But the bikini does not forget its reason for being: the concerts. Starting from June 30, the room will finally be able to welcome the artists inside. During the summer, there will be eleven shows designed for a seated audience. The bikini, which has been redesigned for the occasion, will have a capacity of 300 seats, which may change according to changes in sanitary standards.

Rich program

Among these eleven parties, there are heavy parties a program. True to its fame, for a reboot, the bikini will welcome a host of high-profile artists such as Sebastian Teller, Aaron, Arnaud Repotini, jazz annoying Eric Trovas or even Flavia Coelho.

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