Top 10 Google’s biggest failures, goodbye Stadia

You can be on top of the world and do something stupid nice anyway, that’s how well known company is The Google Which, even if stronger than some countries, have already made major strategic mistakes that turn out to be failures. If you like it, we will talk about it a little, right away, with the most convincing examples.

1.Google Stadia

Launched in 2019, the video game streaming platform was presented as nothing less than the future of the medium that would replace consoles and revolutionize the world (okay, I’m exaggerating a bit). After three years of good and sincere service, the system has not been considered successful since then The Google I decided to close it by giving full refunds for the games customers bought. The problem is that developers who were currently working on projects for the platform learned about it at the same time as everyone else in the press and that’s less fun.

2. Google +

big failure The GoogleThe real complete failure: his social network. When you know the core project was kinda making it FB And to compete with the popular social network, we can say that it is really very missing. But it doesn’t matter, we can share pictures on it, it’s cute. Join me, I’m really alone in this.

4- Google Buzz

You don’t even remember, meanwhile, the thing was around for about a year between 2010 and 2011. It was sort of the first social network project but in blog form, kind of myspace But above this nonsense and who does not have everything, but not everything, even if we can talk directly about the thing. FB Obviously he took it all.

5.Google Glass

It’s expensive and useless, that’s how we can sum up the project Google glasses Which ended up falling. L’idée était d’avoir des lunettes qui pouvaient montrer des trucs en réalité augmentée sauf que ça n’avait pas forcément de but précis, donc à part quelques clients qui avaient de la à thune a fedoutre lé water.

6- Google Offers

See the principle of the site Groupon ? Well, it was the exact same thing. size The Google I tried to recover Groupon In 2010, which didn’t happen because the company didn’t want to buy and still had an opinion. suddenly The Google He wasted no time and set up this service in 2011 which quickly fell apart and was taken down in just three years.

7. Google Hello

With the aim of copying text and voice messaging applications such as messenger And the The WhatsAppAnd the The Google have set Welcome. In the meantime, however, influencer Nabila dropped the word “hello” and the company had to shut down her service. No kidding, it didn’t work out.

9. Google Daydream

We talked earlier about augmented reality, but you can imagine it The Google Also try a virtual reality adventure and call this project Google Daydream. Haven’t you heard of it before? Ordinary, the project requires you to use your smartphone as a screen to get it into the ‘carrier’ helmet, except the quality was clearly not there compared to what was being done close to home. blocked for example. Abandoned project.

10. Google Lively

see principle second life ? Google Lively It was somewhat similar: it allowed you to create an avatar briefly and meet people in rooms that could be hosted by other sites, like meeting petanque fans on a petanque site but in a fake virtual world. It didn’t necessarily take long since the service was online from July to December 2008.

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