Tomorrow, could AI disrupt dating in apps?

Tomorrow, could AI disrupt dating in apps?

According to a recent study, 71% of dating app users support AI initiating first messages.

“On Tinder, about thirty women interacted with the AI ​​when they thought they were chatting with me.”. Anis Ayari is an AI engineer and YouTuber. In his Defense Intelligence channel, he decodes trends related to new technologies. Latest Videographer Test: Find out if “yes or no”artificial intelligence Like ChatGPT — OpenAI's now-popular chatbot — can flirt credibly on a dating app like Tinder. This is a function that still does not exist in most of these sites.

To implement this experiment, the engineer programmed the messages of his Tinder profile so that they were connected to ChatGPT and he was the one who chatted with women on the application. “I did not allow him to chat for more than 24 hours with the users in question. After this time, I warned them that they had spoken with an AI.Details by Anis Ayari. “Then I asked them if they had noticed it. Of the ten who agreed to respond to me, not one had noticed it.”“, confirms the videographer. In total, there are approximately thirty girls with whom ChatGPT spoke through Anis Ayari's account. “From what I noticed, the chatbot was relying on the items I put in my resume to start the conversation.”The engineer determines.

This video, which may seem unusual, arouses the interest of many Internet users. According to a study revealed last April By cybersecurity brand Norton It was conducted online, as 64% of online dating enthusiasts are ready to use artificial intelligence. Most participants use these apps an average of six hours a week and can spend about $300 a month on them. Taking into account this investment, 71% of them are in favor of AI writing them flirty messages or starting a conversation, and 70% of them are in favor of improving their profiles and 64% their photos.

AI is viewed as a “crutch” by users

For an engineer, this type of AI may be of limited use “Simply the assistance provided to the user.”. “In fact, starting a conversation on a dating app is ultimately a repetitive task, because on each new ‘match’, the user has to introduce themselves again.”

Analysis contributed by Anne Cordier, professor and researcher in information and communication sciences. “AI is viewed as a crutch by those users who may find it difficult to connect with others virtually.” It's a technique that could appeal to people between the ages of 20 and 30, who are bothered by repetitive tasks like having to introduce themselves dozens of times without necessarily getting an answer. This is what we call “dating fatigue,” notes sociologist Christine DeTrez, the book's author a fan.

“Unifying Romantic Encounters”

A common observation through the dating apps themselves. Like the founder and former president of dating app Bumble, whitney wolfe herd, Who imagines a future where artificial intelligence will be used “dating a concierge” For users of these sites.

Humans will no longer have to rack their brains to learn about apps and potentially be disappointed, AI avatars will take care of that. They will start dating each other through the app before notifying users if meeting in reality might be of interest. “You won't have to talk to 600 people. This concierge can scan the entire city of San Francisco for you and say 'These are the three people you really should meet.' Businesswoman detailing. The goal is for users to move more quickly from virtual mode to real mode.

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But this perspective raises many ethical questions. “While we want to fight the unification of meetings on apps, with devices like these we are moving towards the complete unification of love.”“, notes Anne Cordier. “There's really no room anymore for personality or discovery, and in fact, we're constantly putting off the big leap into the unknown a little longer.”“, concludes the researcher.

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