To arrange the space of Jackie Belian – Bourbon LaRachambault (03160)

To arrange the space of Jackie Belian – Bourbon LaRachambault (03160)

Bourbon L'Archambault. Espace Jacky-Bélien: Appreciation of the financial support of the hospital center. Accompanied by the Vice President, Daniel Martel, the new President of Crédit Agricole de Bourbon-l'Archambault, Régis Cherion, came to the Bourbon-l'Archambault Hospital Centre, for the official handover of a check for one euro. 5,000 is intended to help finance development work on Espace Jacky-Bélien, which opened last December. Cecile Pacaud, Vice President of the Regional Bank of Crédit Agricole Motuel, who symbolically entrusted the corresponding check to Marcel Grand, Director of the Hospital, in the presence of Dr. Yves Girardot, Doctor of the Foundation, Nora Durand-Tillier, Director of Economic Affairs but also loyal residents of this very beautiful place.

Indeed, in the shadow of the Alzheimer's unit, wide open to the greenery of the Gautrinière area, this space for walking, gardening and relaxing with the family is unanimously popular among residents and their loved ones. Please note that additional rest benches will soon be installed along the stable paths, making this place an unparalleled location for a friendly walk.

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