Tiny house: this light house of 15 square metres, halfway between a house and an artist’s studio, costs only 16,000 euros

Tiny house: this light house of 15 square metres, halfway between a house and an artist’s studio, costs only 16,000 euros

Tiny homes are ubiquitous and within a few years it has become a very fashionable fad… Is it because of the various imposed periods of isolation, difficulties in obtaining a mortgage, or just the desire to go back to basics? We don’t really know how to explain it, but tiny homes appeal to all audiences, of all ages… Some even build them for the elderly, in order to keep them close and avoid life in a nursing home! On the other side of the land, in New Zealand, there is a show dedicated to the original tiny houses. The program was a real success and was broadcast some time ago in France under the name Tiny house: Tiny house robbed. If you follow the show Living big in a small houseyou may have seen Bryce Langstonpresenter, walk around in it Brett Sutherland, NZ, bone sculptor and tattoo artist by trade… His tiny house, completely off the grid, is only 15 square metres. Show.

small house of Brett Sutherland

Today, tiny homes come in all styles and all sizes and sometimes they are quite surprising. With an area of ​​15 square meters and completely offline, the area of Brett Sutherland It is a real treasure for the home. Features unique design elements and It would have cost him about 14,000 euros only. Initially, it was built in my young father’s garden, and he is supposed to soon begin his journey to Auckland where Brit want to settle. This modern little house is full of treasures that the young, slightly adventurous young man has discovered through his various adventures.

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Small white house for 16000 euros
Image source: Bryce Langston / YouTube Screenshot: Living big in a small house

Home “Artist Studio”

We know that tiny homes are often converted into a garden studio or telecommuting office. BritHe chose to live there but also Set up your own artist studio To indulge in his profession as a bone sculptor. His house, he built everything himself, so that he would not have to enter into property debts or mortgages. The man was a sailor and He had already built his rafts. So it was only natural that he set out to self-build his own “little” little house! He explains that since he was already accustomed to a low-key lifestyle, the transition wasn’t too difficult, but in the end, that’s what happened. True freedom means to him. Moreover, he used to live on a boat, so his 15 square meter house is huge for him!

Short guided tour of the house

young man uses Only recycled materials for his little house. For example, he installed a flexible water tank hidden under an extra bed that also serves as a seat. To save space, use the wheel arches of his trailer by placing a desk on top; Thus, the corridor becomes a footstool. Not stupid! But his pride is the mezzanine, his bedroom which he accesses by a curved staircase designed so that there through ventilation, To let in fresh air when he sleeps! For electricity, he installed solar panels that enough to consume it…the smallest space has been used, and finally, her house of 15 square meters looks almost large!

Interior design of the Tiny House at 16000 euros
Image source: Bryce Langston / YouTube Screenshot: Living big in a small house
Small house roof 16000 euros
Image source: Bryce Langston / YouTube Screenshot: Living big in a small house

Plans available for sale

With its smart and efficient design, Britt’s tiny house is a real inspiration, and if you want to build your own version, the young man has put up his business plans for sale. He states on his website: “I have drawn my Tiny House plans, as well as writing a building manual and 70 development photos for reference, they are available for purchase. Please, call me If you are interested in purchasing my plans.” Check out a video House Brett Sutherland, as well Sculptor and tattoo artist website. Also follow the famous show on the site Living in a big small house or on FB.

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