Timothy Leduc, the first non-binary Olympian

Timothy Leduc, the first non-binary Olympian

– Posted on January 10, 2022

Beijing 2022

After New Zealand’s transgender Laurel Hubbard at the Tokyo 2020 Games, the upcoming Beijing 2022 Winter Games will feature another big first: American history will go down as Timothy Leduc as the first non-binary athlete to compete in an Olympic competition. The 31-year-old Iowa native has secured his place on the US team, where he will compete in the figure skating duo event with partner Ashley Kane-Gribble. The two players won their ticket to the Beijing Games at the American selections, which competed last weekend in Nashville. In 2019, Timothy Leduc became the first openly gay skater to win the National Couples title, and will once again write the history of his major next month in China. The American was recently captured on an episode of the podcast My new favorite Olympian to flourish entirely outside the binary system, but with the noting that “Navigating a gender sport is not easy. “

Tags: Beijing 2022

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