Three children “missing” in Rivière-Sale, found in Saint-Esprit

Three children “missing” in Rivière-Sale, found in Saint-Esprit

This morning (Thursday, June 16, 2022), the gendarmerie found three children whose parents had reported their disappearance the day before in the town of Rivière-Sale.

This morning (Thursday, June 16, 2022) a 14-year-old girl, her 8-year-old little brother and her 14-year-old sister’s friend were found walking along a path with the Holy Spirit.

The three children have been wanted since last night after the distressing call from their parents, not seeing them return after school, in the town of Rivière-Sale.

We deployed research resources overnight and this morning with dedicated teams including dog teamExplain the gendarmerie.

The children were found using someone’s mobile phone. The gendarmes with the help of a family member found that they were staying with an “acquaintance” all night, before continuing on the road until they were intercepted by the police.

According to sources familiar with the investigation, the children are safe and do not show any signs of abuse.

The two young girls, the boy and the parents and relatives, are interrogated in particular to understand whether a certain family atmosphere can explain what the gendarmes describe as an escape.

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