This is how it will continue from Monday, March 20, 2023

This is how it will continue from Monday, March 20, 2023

Lüneburg. Rot Rosen is one of the most successful German TV series, with a steady viewership of around 1.5 million. What’s next in the next episodes? With a preview updated daily, you’ll always be in the picture.

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“Red Roses”: current air dates and flops

Normally, a new episode of “Red Roses” is shown weekdays from 2:10 pm to 3:00 pm. However, there are occasional failures. Especially at major sporting events, the telenovela often has to give way to the sports show. There are also regular changes to the program on public holidays such as Easter or Christmas.

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A glimpse of the following airdates for “Red Roses”:

  • Monday, March 20, 2023, Episode 3737
  • Tuesday, March 21, 2023: Episode 3738
  • Wednesday, March 22, 2023: Episode 3739
  • Thursday, March 23, 2023: Episode 3740
  • Friday, March 24, 2023: Episode 3741

“Red Roses” on Monday, March 20, 2023: Episode 3737

Sandra doesn’t know what to do. She loves Matthias, but feels bad for Bernd. But she avoids Matthias. When she also takes in the injured Bernd, Matthias makes the decision himself: he leaves the field to Bernd. Sandra feels helpless, what to do?

Feeling pressure from Simon and DeLay, Charlotte refuses to submit her design and dress for the lifestyle fashion show. Dilay does not give up and a fight ensues. While Simon realizes that things are too big for Charlotte, Marvin manages to get Charlotte to change her mind.

Amelie doubts Jurek’s ability, which motivates him even more. But he crosses the mark and has to ask Ben for help. Amelie does not notice anything and cannot complain about Joric’s qualities. Yorick fascinates her after all…

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Annette makes it clear to Marvin that he cannot work with her without confirming the enrolment. But Marvin doesn’t have an apartment. Is Gunther’s offer the answer?

Out of conscience, Sandra (Theresa Höbchen, right) offers to take care of Bernd (Tim-Ulrik Steunberg, left) and take him to Rosenhaus.

“Red Roses” on Tuesday, March 21, 2023: Episode 3738

Sandra has to come to terms with the end of her relationship with Matthias and withdraws. She thinks she hesitated for a long time. When Bernd admits to Sandra that he wants to start over with her, she finds clear words. She tells him she no longer loves him. At the same time, Matthias considers accepting a job offer from England.

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Charlotte and Marvin find a special bond that stems from their troubled homes. Marvin encourages Charlotte to submit her design for the fashion show. But Charlotte suspects. Even Marvin liked her with a nod.

Annette and Malt argue because Annette wants to sell a truck from Goslar. She desperately needs money. Ben and Tina can cheer her up for a moment, but Anette’s insecurities quickly catch up with her.

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Jurek enjoys fighting with Amelie. When Jorik has to take his daughter Henriette back to the hotel, Carla helps him and bakes a chocolate cake with Henriette. Next, a dress designed for the fashion show was smeared with chocolate.

Annette (Sarah Masoch, second from the right) and Melt (Marcus Blum, right) begin to get bogged down in their desperate argument over resolving their financial problems. With Tina (Katja Frenzel, left) and Ben (Hakim Michael Mziani, second from left)

“Red Roses” on Wednesday, March 22, 2023: Episode 3739

Amelie is afraid of having to pay for the damage to the designer’s dress. So it turns out: the stains are part of the design. Amelie decides to avoid Yorick, but in the elevator, Amelie and Yorick are overcome by their attraction.

Charlotte is overjoyed when her design is actually chosen for the fashion show. But then a call from her mom shakes her confidence so much that she cancels her engagement again.

When Sandra bumps into Mathias and he tells her about his plan to go to England, she is shocked. The shipping company’s situation is precarious—even jokingly Annette considers smuggling. In the end, Anette has no choice but to agree to Malte’s plan of restructuring and layoffs, which she fiercely resisted.

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After Hendrik signs a self-commitment, Britta can take a conciliatory step towards him. But when he isn’t honest with the kids, you realize that the new beginning won’t be easy.

Overpowered, Britta (Jelina Mitschke, left) and Hendrick (Jerry Karting, right) realize their situation is still muddled.

“Red Roses” on Thursday, March 23, 2023: Episode 3740

Delay presents Charlotte’s dress in the fashion show, despite its cancellation! Thanks to Marvin, Charlotte sits in the audience and sees how delighted fashion journalist Jana Winterthur is with her dress. Charlotte was so elated that she spontaneously kissed Marvin.

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Annette wants to help Sandra’s luck and tells Matthias that Sandra dumped Bernd. However, Mathias sticks to his plans to go to England. When Sandra and Matthias discover that the lights are going to be turned off, the two have a sad encounter…

Hendrik signs a self-commitment – to be able to return to work as quickly as possible. When he got back to the clinic, Silke had concerns: Did he really deal with substance abuse?

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Amelie pushes Jurek away after sleeping with him again. It’s just her employee…

Elated by her success, Charlotte (Malen Baker, left) lets herself be swept away by the moment and impulsively kisses Marvin (Morris Pawlowski, right).

“Red Roses” on Friday, March 24, 2023: Episode 3741

Simon uncomfortably notes Marvin and Charlotte’s bond is deepening. With DeLay’s help, he questions doubts about Marvin’s past. They are both shocked: Marvin has served three years in prison. They forbade Charlotte to return him to the flat stake – offended, Marvin pulled out. Charlotte does not want to accept this and tries to change his mind – which looks like a declaration of love…

Annette is adamantly against Malty’s insurance fraud scheme, but snaps when it becomes clear that she will not be able to obtain a bank loan. But she doesn’t want to know any details from Malte. But then Annette realizes that Mattia’s friend Ralph – who is the prosecutor – can track them down…

Matthias’ childhood friend Ralph returns to Lüneburg and convinces Sandra and Matthias to go to Spotlight’s farewell party. Revival of her love?

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Amelie wants to win the Principal’s Award, but her leadership style doesn’t sit well with her employees. Jorik wants to help Amelie, and, to Amelie’s horror, suggests a team-building workshop.

Annette (Sarah Masoch, right) is silent when she learns that Ralph (Hardy Kreuger, left) is the district attorney. With Matthias (Mac Schneider, second from left) and Sandra (Theresa Höbchen, second from right).

What is the 19th season of Red Roses?

A tragic night in the Lüneburg hospital: a patient in a coma is admitted. Its condition must be checked. doctors dr. Britta Berger (Jelina Mitschke) and Dr. Hendrik Althaus (Jerry Kwarteng) discovers brain activity and decides, together with the family, to risk a new treatment method to bring the patient out of the coma. And the miracle happened.

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When Katherine (Nicole Ernst) opens her eyes the next morning, she’s been in a seven-year coma, into which she fell after heavy smoke inhalation. But the world kept transforming – on a small and a large scale. Her husband Florian (Stefan Pleib) has started a new family with her best friend Anki (Ann Brendler). Their daughter Mia (Leonie Buthner) is estranged from her new family, her beloved home burned down and her career dreams destroyed. Only her brother Michie (Oliver Clemens), who cared for her in a coma, and physiotherapist Leo (Daniel Hartwig) stand by her unconditionally – even if Leo is not allowed to have feelings for his patient.

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After years in a coma, Catherine believes she is in a nightmare. But she is a fighter. She wants her life, her love, her family and her happiness back. She has to learn that life is no longer the same as it used to be. But is this so bad? An exciting new life and new love await her.

It is shown on TV and the Internet

Did you miss an episode of “Red Roses”? No problem, individual episodes of the telenovela are repeated on the third ARD programs. These are the repeat dates on free TV:

  • Mr.Monday to Friday 6.15am (time varies)
  • NDRMonday to Friday, 7.20am
  • RBBMonday through Friday, 10:30 a.m
  • MDRMonday to Friday, 7.10am

In addition, recent episodes are still available for three months as a video-on-demand offering ARD media library Available online.

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Where is the “Red Roses” group located?

The Red Rose was filmed and produced at its main location, Lüneburg. Some places in the area also serve as filming locations for the series. Filming began on August 21, 2006. The locations of the series are the five-star Drei Könige Hotel and the various places where the characters work. A telenovela always addresses the professional and private fates of the protagonists.

RND / pf / with ARD material

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