This horror movie with Katrina Bowden shows two great white sharks spreading terror

This horror movie with Katrina Bowden shows two great white sharks spreading terror

Great White: Horror Movie Trailer with Katrina Bowden

Image from Great White / (c) YouTube trailer

A fun trip to a remote atoll turns into a nightmare for five Great White passengers when their seaplane crashes in a crazy accident while they are trapped on a raft. That’s all 100 miles from the coast, in a place where human-eating sharks lurk beneath the surface.

What is Great White?

the movie “Great White“Shows the story of Kaz Fellows (Katrina Boden) and Charlie Brody (Aaron Jacobenko), who offered a seaplane as a charter. Your passengers Joji Minase (Tim Kano), his wife Michelle (Kimie Tsukakoshi) and chef Benny (Te Kohe Tuhaka) have booked a trip to the picturesque Hell’s Reef.

However, it doesn’t take long for their ideal getaway to turn into a living inferno when they make an emergency landing miles from the coast and are in extreme danger with something just below the surface. Your only chance to get out of there alive is to go ashore, but with two great white sharks stalking them, the odds are not entirely in their best interests. What follows is a struggle for survival of epic proportions against nature’s most dangerous predators.

the movie “Great White“, Which is based on real events, takes advantage of our primitive fear of the depths and provides a substance for nightmares in the form of these dangerous animals.

The main roles in the film were played by Katrina Bodin (30 Rock) and Aaron Jacobenko (Tedlands, Shannara Chronicles), Kimi Tsukakushi, Te Koh Tohaka, Tatjana Marjanovic, Tim Kanu, Jason Wilder, Patrick Atchison and others.

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The script for “Great WhiteWritten by Michael Bogen (“Tomorrow when the war started“,”Excellent killer“,”beloved onesAs famous commercial director Martin Wilson directs his feature film for the first time. Michael Robertson teamed up with Neil Kingston to produce the movie after he worked on another adrenaline-pumping creature movie,Black Water: The AbyssWe worked together.

Part of this movie was shot in North Queens Beach on the Redcliffe Peninsula, North Brisbane (Australia). The remaining scenes were created in a studio in Southeast Queensland.

International distributors’ interest inGreat WhiteIt is too big. The movie was actually released in mid-2018 High movie sales Pre-sold in over a dozen international regions. Now he comes to theaters in Australia and New Zealand. It is not certain if and when the film will be released by us.

There are more great new movie trailers in our movie trailer portal.

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