This hidden feature of your iPhone can help you sleep better

This hidden feature of your iPhone can help you sleep better

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The function is not really hidden, you just have to know how to handle it. (© Adobe Stock / Artwork)

White noise is in vogue. Renowned for helping focus or even sleep, a piece of white noise has gone far beyond 1 billion plays on Spotify.

And if some use dedicated applications to listen to these noises, the Apple iPhone offers a selection in its system. free. We guide you.

What is white noise?

White noise is supposed to mask ambient noise while adding sounds: all frequencies of sounds are used by white noise.

We can hear rain, wind, or just noise. It is very popular because it promotes sleep. They are especially used by parents to try to help their newborn sleep.

What to do to turn on white noise

So the iPhone presents a series of white noises inside. They can be heard on their own, but also when listening to a podcast or watching a video.

To activate it, four steps:

  1. Go to your settings.
  2. Click the Accessibility tab.
  3. Scroll down to Audio/Visual and go to the Background Sounds category.
  4. Activate background sounds.
  5. You can then choose the sound type and volume.
How to enable white noise on iPhone.
How to enable white noise on iPhone. (© montage

If you do not go further, you will have to constantly go back to the settings to activate this white noise. However, it is possible to add them to the Control Center.

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Even in locked mode

To get access at all times, and quickly, to control this white noise, you have to go back to the settings.

  1. Go to Control Center.
  2. Include the test command.
  3. Drag the upper-right corner of the screen to bring up the Control Center.
  4. Click on the ear icon.
  5. Now all you have to do is activate the background sounds.
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How to enable white noise on iPhone.
How to enable white noise on iPhone. (© montage

easy right?

Watch out for the white noise

This white noise is known to facilitate sleep but also improve learning or productivity at work.

Problem, the studies that have been done on this topic are not sure of its usefulness. a American study 2018, and it was also considered that it is not necessary to prolong listening to white noise over a long period of time with the risk of damaging hearing.

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