There is no closure for the Luzi parc play space which has finally moved to its neighbour

There is no closure for the Luzi parc play space which has finally moved to its neighbour

How do you keep a three-year-old busy in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, when you've already overused all the activities? When the rain is intense, walking in Docontinia Park becomes repetitive. Many young parents and grandparents have been asking this question since the Luzi Parc children's entertainment area closed last May. But for the biggest of them…

How do you keep a three-year-old busy in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, when you've already overused all the activities? When the rain is intense, walking in Docontinia Park becomes repetitive. Many young parents and grandparents have been asking this question since the Luzi Parc children's entertainment area closed last May. But to their great delight, as to their little children, the Luzian Foundation did not keep its doors closed for long. It had just been purchased by its neighbor, Trampoline Park, located at 126 Galday Street. A play structure for younger children has now been installed at this new address.

Marie-Louise Chatenet welcomed this news with relief. During a sunny afternoon in Corsairs, she chose to take her little girl, 3-year-old Elori, to the trampoline park, to enjoy the return of the space that had previously been in Lozi Park. “I used to bring my granddaughter there every Wednesday and her parents on Sundays. “When we saw it was closing, we felt really sorry, because there was nothing left for the little ones,” she admits, her eyes still fixed on Elori exploring the new route. For several weeks, Marie-Louise searched for Activities to make up for the closure of the children's play area But in the end, her little girl always asked for the same thing: a trampoline to jump, and this structure to run around.

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The Luzi Parc play area is located inside the trampoline park, at 126 rue de Galday in Saint-Jean-de-Luz.
The Luzi Parc play area is located inside the trampoline park, at 126 rue de Galday in Saint-Jean-de-Luz.

Michelle Hairbarn

all ages

Previously only open to ages 5 and up, the trampoline park has added a chain to its arc, allowing it to satisfy a wider audience. “Previously, when parents would come with, say, two children, one 8-year-old and one 3-year-old, the youngest couldn't get to the rides,” says Bryce Noblanch, the playground manager. “It was complicated that he had to To wait while his brother had fun. »

To install this new structure, the trampoline park had to make room. Move out of some development to better integrate Luzi Parc Road into their site. “We have rehabilitated what we recovered, with new foam for example. We have also rearranged our Christmas part, so that we can accommodate more. »

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Brice Noublanche maintains a large area of ​​loisir spaces in the Basque area, with the fermentation of certain complexes at the BAB, in the Luzi Parc à Saint-Jean-de-Luz: “Putting a ferment in the same place is this contribution.” Weather conditions. Once the weather is nice, people prefer to go to the beach. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to make this type of entertainment activity successful. For us, it is important to resume this activity so that we do not neglect certain age groups, and for everyone to have fun. » By expanding, the trampoline park hopes to be able to employ young people in the near future, provided the business is good.

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