The world's #1 tennis video game is finally back with TopSpin 2K25

The world's #1 tennis video game is finally back with TopSpin 2K25

Game news The world's #1 tennis video game is finally back with TopSpin 2K25

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For 13 years, Top Spin 4 left tennis and video game fans orphans. After its release, none of them were able to come close to the qualities displayed by the Czech 2K title. Does Top Spin 2K25 finally mark the return of good tennis? We answer the question in the video.

TopSpin: 13 years of waiting, was it worth it? Reply with video

That's it: For several days, some players have been able to get their hands on virtual rackets in Top Spin 2K25. An opportunity for newbies to the license to discover what made it successful between 2003 and 2011. But above all, an opportunity for fans of the little yellow ball to appreciate once again a very good tennis simulation. Top Spin 2K25 displays many of the qualities we talk about in the video test available below.

Its main strength? It succeeds in giving the feeling that real tennis has returned to a video game. The developers of Hangar 13 highlighted the importance of placement and timing when hitting the ball. There are two key factors, along with each player's own animations, that give a real feeling of immersion. This feeling of immersion is also enhanced by many features especially the work around the sound design.

Pre-order Top Spin 2k25 on PS5.

Disadvantages, but that's not the most important)

But in the game especially, in building points, Top Spin is deceiving. Anything is possible, just like in a real tennis match. Short money exchanges with rhythm, and rises quickly… It is also up to us to build our game according to our style and according to our player. There is also a career mode that allows you to create your own in our image and help them move up the rankings. If this functionality remains limited (Reasons in the video test above) This is still a good way to start the game.

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Of course, Top Spin 2K25 is not without its flaws. Compared to TieBreak, which was released earlier this year for early access, The starting roster is slim: 25 players available, up to… Top Spin 4, released in 2011. Likewise, the facial modeling is moderate. When we see Roger Federer, who himself took part in recording moves for his virtual avatar, we almost wonder if we would rather have seen what happened in 2011. But at the end of the day, it is clear that form is not what is most important. But despite the return of the #1 tennis video game.

TopSpin 2K25 is available in Early Access for all Deluxe Edition owners. For others, you'll have to wait until April 26 for a global release on PC, Xbox Series, Xbox One, PS4, and PS5.

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