The women’s national team begins its journey towards the 2023 World Cup Coach Bertolini: “humility and enthusiasm” –

The women’s national team begins its journey towards the 2023 World Cup Coach Bertolini: “humility and enthusiasm” –

The Italian women’s team will do it Official debut in the qualifiers The World Australia and New Zealand 2023 against Moldova. the date is tomorrow, Friday the 17th, at the Nerio Rocco stadium in Trieste: kick-off at 5.30 pmLive TV on RaiDue and broadcast on RaiPlay. Then on Tuesday (21/09) a flight to Croatia.

Technical commissioner Melina Bertolini has called up a 27-player double challenge. There are some new players in the group, such as Roma goalkeeper Rachel Baldi, Nerazzurri Gloria Marinelli, very young and promising midfielder Angelica Sofia and her colleague Valeria Perrone.

“We are leaving with great enthusiasm and the awareness that we are a strong team – CT said at the press conference – We know how beautiful and important it is for the women’s football movement to take part in the World Cup after the extraordinary experience two years ago in France. We must begin this journey with strength, determination and the right foot, without underestimating any opponent, starting right in Moldova. The level of international football is growing a lot, even national teams with less historical football traditions are improving a lot. The girls know they will have to play with humility and focus, also because we know that September challenges are often insidious because not all athletes are at their best. I am sure it will be a good match and we will be ready for the double commitment.”

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