The US Senate approves the appointment of Thomas Greenfield as the United Nations ambassador

The US Senate approves the appointment of Thomas Greenfield as the United Nations ambassador

A good month after taking office, the Senate has other personal details from the US president’s government Joe Biden Agreed. For example, the experienced Congressional Diplomatic Chamber has appointed Linda Thomas Greenfield as ambassador for One Approved by 78 votes to 20. The 68-year-old black Thomas Greenfield was, among other things, Secretary of State for Africa under the former president in her long career. Barack Obama.

The Senate also approved Tom Vilsack’s nomination as agriculture minister on Tuesday. 92 Senators voted for him to just seven votes against. The 70-year-old served as chief of agriculture for eight years of Obama’s presidency.

Resistance in other jobs

The other nominations for the Biden government team met with more resistance in the Senate. Xavier Becera, who has been nominated for health secretary, faced tough questioning by opposition Republican senators on Tuesday. The Republican President is in the room Mitch McConnellHe described Becera as “radical” and “ineligible” to the Ministry of Health, which was particularly important in times of the Corona pandemic.

Becera is by far the state’s most populous justice minister California. The 63-year-old has been a key advocate of Obama’s healthcare reform over the years.

Biden Democrats enjoy a fragile majority in the Senate. Like the Republicans, you have 50 votes in the House. If there is a dead end, the cum gives Kamala HarrisWho, ex officio, is also the Speaker of the Senate, has a casting vote with her own. The prerequisite for Pessera to be the first Latino to be health minister is for Democrats to vote for him unanimously.

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Republicans fear “bad influence”

The candidate for the White House budget director, Nera Tandin, has fewer prospects for a successful nomination than Becerra. Democratic Senator Joe Mansheen announced on Friday that he would vote against them.

Manchen, who is on the moderate wing of the Democrats, said that because of her party statements, Tanden could have a “detrimental effect” on the important working relationship between the Budget Office and Congress. Tandin, born in India, is the director of the left-wing Center for American Progress Institute.

Like the ministers Biden nominated, Tanden cannot take office without the green light from the Senate. More than a month after Biden took office, the Chamber of Congress has confirmed fewer than half of his 23 cabinet members. Biden has been in office since Jan.20.

Icon: Mirror

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