The University of Paris-Saclay wants to reduce numerical uncertainties

The University of Paris-Saclay wants to reduce numerical uncertainties

Posted on October 27, 2022, 6:56 pm

The scientific field that is still too young for estimating uncertainties has experienced rapid development over the past ten years. It aims to characterize the uncertainties inherent in the use of numerical models. This includes, for example, studying the sensitivity of numerical results to parameter variability, data assimilation, model calibration, optimization of significant quantities, etc. These questions are fundamental to the use of the numerical model for prediction or decision-making purposes.

The importance of the subject matter to the University and its various partners has led to the creation of a scientific interest group, GIS, which aims to bring together a community of researchers and engineers interested in the quantification of uncertainties in the use of digital simulation. Brings science interest group together, plus University of Paris Sclay and its constituent institutions (AgroParisTech, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Sclay), CNRS and INRAE, Inria and several other industrial and research organizations located in Paris-Sclay (EDF R&D, CE ONERA, Airbus, Safran, etc.).

The aim of GIS is to enable members to better coordinate their efforts and give a better international view of French scientific research in this strategic area.

Applications in energy and the environment

The qualifications for the uncertainties can be found in math interface statistics, data science, artificial intelligence, algorithms, modeling of physical, chemical, climatic and biological phenomena, etc. The areas of application are numerous and very diverse. They relate, for example, to safety and risk management studies for nuclear reactors, digital transaction security systems, etc.

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Thus the group of scientific interests will organize the upcoming actions, both at the theoretical level and in terms of applied research. The group also intends to create a science sector for young researchers and engineers (mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, etc.)

The GIS will also facilitate the establishment of training within the vast surroundings of the Université Paris-Saclay and will encourage recruitment from the respective manufacturers.

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