The total prize pool for the Brazilian who disarmed the attacker collects more than 350 thousand euros

The total prize pool for the Brazilian who disarmed the attacker collects more than 350 thousand euros

Great reward for one of Dublin’s heroes. In honor of Caio Benicio, the Brazilian who managed to subdue the attacker from Dublin, during the knife attack that took place in the Irish capital on Thursday 23 November, a prize pool has been launched. to So far, more than 350,000 euros have been collected for his reward. On the prize pool page, which was set up on the GoFundMe platform, it is indicated that the amount raised is for “ Buy a pint “Who is eligible?” hero “.

“This man is a hero and the least we can do is buy him a pint, so I’m asking you to please donate a pint of Guinness in your local pub for Kayo so he knows the people of Dublin appreciate it.” », refers to the creator of the award set, Paul D’Arcy. The message was received fairly well. This is evidenced by the numerous sums paid to the Brazilian. More than 12,000 people participated in the prize pool. According to information received from BFMTVThe value of some donations reaches 1,500 euros.

The rest will follow after this announcement

Caio Benicio He refuses to be called a “hero.”

Caio Benicio worked as a delivery man in Dublin. He was riding a motorcycle when the stabbing incident occurred. ” When I saw the knife, I stopped my motorcycle and then acted on instinct ” he says. Then he took off his helmet and punched the attacker. With all his might Caio Benicio, 43 years old and father of two children, aged 19 and 12, believes he behaved as he should have and refuses to be described as “” hero “.

Another person also intervened to subdue the assailant. He’s a French guy. His name is Alan and he was in the Irish capital as part of an internship at a restaurant. The young man goes to high school in a hotel in the Ardennes. He received congratulations from Emmanuel Macron over the phone.

The knife attack, which occurred on Thursday, November 23, injured four people. Another pot, released to children and a woman injured during the knife attack, raised more than 230,000 euros.

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