The secret life of the red deer

The secret life of the red deer

The red deer is considered the king of the forests. It is often depicted, usually as a love-struck deer, roaring and fighting for females in the fall. But how these species grow during the rest of the year is often overlooked.

During the roaming period, the outstanding dog is strong, shows off, introduces himself and almost screams his heart out – he is a real macho! His entire endeavor focuses on the female gender only. At the end of the mating season, it is virtually exhausted and has to make a great effort for the rest of the year to replenish its physical reserves. In the coming months, male animals will move in single groups with only food on their minds. They hardly care about their offspring and females.

Deer also initially live in groups. At the end of May they expel the previous year’s offspring and give birth to their young in secret. They then lead their calves to hidden playgrounds and protect them from impending dangers. At least five years pass before a deer calf has a chance to become a superior dog. A time that brings exciting encounters and comfortable moments.

Red deer are not boring ruminants: Hidden cameras, located at wallows or other meeting places, provide unusual and rare insights into the secret lives of red deer.

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