The result of “23 years of research”: Victim of a flat tire scam on the motorway, a prototype scientist was robbed of 15 thousand euros

The result of “23 years of research”: Victim of a flat tire scam on the motorway, a prototype scientist was robbed of 15 thousand euros

He had to present his artificial corneas and get a prize.

If you are planning to spend your vacation in Spain This summer, be careful! to'Highway AP-7 (A9 extension) can be fraught with pitfalls. Both in terms of traffic and… scams. In fact, scammers and thieves have made this area their favorite playground, with a distinct target: tourists. Here's a new guide.


Mehrdad Raafat is a brilliant scientist. The Swedish director of LinkoCare AB was going to present his artificial corneas during seminars in Catalonia and Valencia last week. But Mehrdad was deceived. Indeed, while he was stopping at a rest area on the highway to refuel between them Barcelona And EquivalenceMehrdad was dying.

He didn't realize it until he got back on the road. As a result, he had to make an emergency stop. But it was followed. The thieves pretended to help him in order to better steal his bags as they fled with their loot: 10 prototype artificial corneas worth an estimated €15,000.

The Ponte de Vista Foundation (translated as “point of view”) was to award Mehrdad an award in his honor. “23 years of research”. “Very innovative technology”According to Gabriele Mattioli, director of the foundation. In columns 324. “The corneal models developed by Raafat represent an opportunity to restore vision to many patients in developing countries.”Fortunately, the theft of these prototypes in no way destroys the research and its results.

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