The Republican Front: Macrons withhold dignity

The Republican Front: Macrons withhold dignity

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Felines love to give moral lessons to others. That’s why we even get to know them. But often these lessons return to them like Boomerang, revealing such a level of ill will that one could, without misusing language, speak of a great art. Sunday eveninga large number of them have donated their talents to us by making it clear that in the event of a duel between the Ecological and Social Union of the New People (Nupes) and the National Assembly (RN) in the second round of the legislative elections, they advise “case after case”.

The president of the National Assembly, Richard Ferran, faced with a hardship by the united left in his Finistère constituency, undoubtedly achieved one of the evening’s finest accomplishments by making clear that next Sunday’s ballot put the electorate and the electorate. Before choosing values. Almost two months ago, when Emmanuel Macron needed Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s 22% to beat Marine Le Pen in the presidential election, the same man celebrated it. “shared values” With the leader of La France insoumise (LFI).

During Election Night “Together! In Paris, 12 June 2022. © Photo Ludovic Marin/AFP

In the aftermath, many members of the government and the outgoing majority took over ” Neither ” Of the most misguided traditional rights, by rejecting the far right back to the back and what they stubbornly consider“far left” In defiance of political history and reality. The Minister for Environmental Transformation and Regional Cohesion, Amelie de Montchalin, who was threatened by her opponent from Nobis in Essonne, gave us a gala Monday morning, noting that we “In the process of opening a street of chaos and anarchy”.

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