The problem of Chelors attacking in Pokémon Go has finally disappeared

The problem of Chelors attacking in Pokémon Go has finally disappeared

Gaston Cooney

Pokémon Go developer Niantic has apologized for a bug that allowed Chelours to learn a quick attack he wasn't supposed to do.

In recent years, the Pokémon video game series has been plagued with performance issues, visual glitches, and many more things not working properly. Pokémon Scarlet & Purple may be the most troublesome entries in the series, with the DLC requiring a patch to fix major issues.

Pokémon Go has had issues since day one, but has been more accepted by fans, since it's an ongoing service game that regularly receives new content. Niantic runs a game that is constantly played by millions of people around the world, so hiccups are to be expected.

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Bugs in Pokémon Go usually involve visual glitches, but some have been known to affect the game's mechanics, as was the case with the version of Chelours released with the wrong attack type.

Niantic has apologized for the Pokémon Go bug that caused Chelours to learn Vamp Fist as a quick attack

The Niantic Support Twitter/X page posted an apology for the Chelours event which had incorrect animation. In this case, he had Vampy Fist as a quick attack, which has now been changed to Shadow Claw.

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This is a problem because Vamp Fist is intended to be a charged attack, which means you're usually supposed to build it up with quick attacks before launching it at your enemy to deal a lot of damage. Vamp Fist is also Chelours' signature move in Pokémon Go, giving him exclusive access to this attack.

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The fact that Vampire Fist was a fast attack meant that players could fire it much faster than normal, making it much stronger than it should be. This also skipped the usual charge charges, meaning other players wouldn't be able to block them with shields.

It's not clear how such a bug occurred, since moves are split into two different categories in Pokémon Go, and regardless, the bug has now been fixed, and Chelors can go back to terrorizing people in the Pokémon anime, but not other creatures in Pokémon Go. .

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