The nuclear power plant in Zaporozhye is “completely disconnected” from the power grid, according to the operator …

The nuclear power plant in Zaporozhye is “completely disconnected” from the power grid, according to the operator …

11:59 am: Clément Beaune calls for ‘highlight’ of accusations against TotalEnergies

Minister Delegate Clement Bonn called, on Thursday, to “shed light” on the accusations against the company “Total Energy” after publishing information that the gas produced by one of its joint projects was used in Russian warplanes.

“It is a very serious subject, therefore it is necessary to verify that, voluntarily or involuntarily, there is no misappropriation of sanctions or of energy that a French or other company might produce,” declared the Minister in France 2.

According to the newspaper the scientistwhich is based on several documents and an investigation by the NGO Global Witness, the Russian gas field in Termokarstovoye, operated by Terneftegaz – 49% owned by the French group with Russia’s Novatek (51%) – has supplied gas condensate to a refinery near Omsk , which turned it into fuel, which was then shipped to supply Russian aircraft involved in the conflict in Ukraine until at least July.

“No, TotalEnergies does not produce kerosene for the Russian military,” the group responded Wednesday in a press release, refuting “all baseless allegations made in this article” and denouncing “errors, omissions, and against facts.”

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