The mood of the editorial board.  emotional lifts

The mood of the editorial board. emotional lifts

Sports have always been played with our artichoke little hearts and that’s probably why we love them so much. But there are emotional lifts that we can gladly do without, even if that means they crash from time to time and provide us with a bit of weightlessness.

Such was the case Saturday night at 11pm, when, after a thrilling off-track match, the French rugby team beat New Zealand (40-25) at the end of a very high ‘flight performance’, definitive proof that the tricolor rooster knows How it spreads its wings is much better than the southern kiwi. At least in this context.

Because, two years after the World Cup at home that we’d like to start tomorrow, the Stade de France is decked out this weekend, dressed in the moving blue, white and red XV of Marseillaise and a cappella stamped, and much more that – which.

Back then, until the end of 80 Minutes of Happiness, there was no question about attacking the opponent, no matter how terrifying it was on paper. Only the judgment that one or another Bronca suffered, because folklore wanted it. Mais aucune bouteille d’eau n’a, à notre connaissance, voltigé dans la figure de qui que ce soit, pas même pendant le légendaire haka néo-zélandais, que certains décérébrés des tribunes aura les ent pourinterême téréme b excitement.

Here we hear recovery professionals praising the merits and values ​​of the sport – rugby – in contrast to football, played “as everyone knows”, by spoiled, poorly raised children supported by hordes of wilderness. .

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However, it turns out that loving rugby and football at the same time is possible, perhaps even in a civilized way, without being a gentleman in one case and a beauf in the other – or vice versa. Seeing Romain Ntamak and Kylian Mbappe as magicians, each in their own kind, fits perfectly and to consider Karim Benzema and Antoine Dupont as the Ballon d’Or – round and oval – for the 2021 season is not just a cliché. chauvinism.

Obviously, when we have two equally exciting national teams, able to lift you off the couch after a few days or weeks, we cannot be satisfied with the pathetic ‘show’ presented on Sunday evening in Lyon, at the end of the XIV.NS First French Football League Day. But that’s because we’re above all a sports fan and anti-congenital bullshit. Which, for once, should be of universal value.

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