The mobile phone offers Vodafone, Team, Iliad, and Windter

The mobile phone offers Vodafone, Team, Iliad, and Windter

What are the hottest mobile phone deals from Vodafone, Team, Iliad and Wind Tree this week? Let’s find out together by making a comparison on the basis of prices

Team Three VodafoneThe most important of them Mobile phone companies They intend to convince their clients. The last week of May has some important news for users who have a card Vodafone, Tim, WindTre or Iliad.

Let’s go and check it out Tariff plans It was suggested by the aforementioned giants, in an effort to understand which one could be best suited to your needs. Attractive proposals that certainly allow you not to spend too much and at the same time always be in touch.

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Mobile Offers: What Vodafone, Tim, Iliad and WindTre have to offer


We suffer from our “home” there TimAnd the Which is suggested rechargeable Team Gold Pro. Those who join this rate plan will also get unlimited calls and messages 70 GB for every Surf the Internet. the total cost 7.99 € per month.


On the other hand, the British director is focusing on the quantity. over there Special 100 GB As evidenced by the name he suggests 100 GB To connect To the network in addition to Unlimited calls and text messages. Spending is slightly higher (9.99 € per month), But compared because they provide an Data connection Larger.

The Iliad

You can’t miss the alternative he suggested French company That has now settled permanently in Bill Pacey. over there Flash 100 It is allowed for those who intend to revitalize Sim Possession 100 GB As well as calls and messages as desired. Not bad for a manager who wasn’t known until three years ago Italy.

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At the big show party at the end of May, he decided to participate as well WindTre with her WindTre Star +. The classic package related to Phone calls And there Messages They add well 70 GB of traffic for only 7.99 € a month.

In short, a rather rich menu. All that remains is to choose Based on usage And of course Reference area. Some carriers have repeaters in certain regions more than others.

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