The maneuvers of the Russian fleet in the Pacific Ocean during the visit of the Chinese Defense Minister to Moscow

The maneuvers of the Russian fleet in the Pacific Ocean during the visit of the Chinese Defense Minister to Moscow

From our correspondent in Moscow,

The Russian Pacific Fleet had already demonstrated its capabilities last September. It was a period of military maneuvers. “ Vostok 2022 In the midst of the conflict in Ukraine. The same Pacific Fleet, based in Vladivostok, will be trained.

His defense minister said the order was given by President Vladimir Putin. Troops should train in maritime areas.” Near and far “.

The exercises were held last September in areas close to Japan. Follower Defensive exercises »And The Russian military had said at the time and this time the description referred to the same type of exercise. This is a statement from the Minister of Defense. Train to fend off massive air attacks “,” Search and destroy submarines “, And ” Launch torpedoes, guns and missiles “.

In short, it might be a surprising exercise, but pattern The Kremlin said. According to his spokesperson, “The practice of spot checks has become common in recent years.”

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