The Lord of the Rings series is leaving New Zealand

The Lord of the Rings series is leaving New Zealand

the Next series of the Lord of the Rings Amazon will change the site. After the first season was taped in New Zealand, the production announced that they would be relocating to the United Kingdom.

through a statementAmazon has also announced that pre-production for the second season will begin in early 2022. The reasons for this change are part of Amazon’s strategy to invest and increase its studios across the UK.

In very politically correct terms, Amazon chiefs thank the peripheral country government for all the facilities granted to produce the first season, which will run in New Zealand until the end of post-production, in mid-2022.

Lord of the rings
scene from the Lord of the RingsFilm based on the J.R.R. Tolkien saga. New Line / Digital Trends

But despite the above, there is already speculation that there are other reasons for the country to change. Someone might have something to do with New Zealand restrictions on COVID-19Who maintained the production of the series held for a long time This at the same time prevented many participants — both actors and people from Work crew- Back to their country of origin, with all that that means.

On the other hand, there is a symbolic question regarding Lord of the Rings In the New Zealand audio-visual version that may be of interest to fans of the saga. Namely, the films remembered by Peter Jackson (especially the first trilogy), represented Middle-earth in a very unique way and this was achieved in large part thanks to the landscapes of New Zealand.

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a group of Lord of the Rings.

The change to the UK may not have had much of a visual impact, especially considering that the series is set 2,000 years before the events of both the 2001 and 2001 trilogy. The hobbit.

series Lord of the Rings (no final name yet) on Amazon September 2, 2022.

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