The latest news of Coronavirus.  Bonaccini: “If conditions worsen, evaluate the homogeneous constraints of all.”  Study: The Pfizer vaccine generates a robust immune response after a single dose

The latest news of Coronavirus. Bonaccini: “If conditions worsen, evaluate the homogeneous constraints of all.” Study: The Pfizer vaccine generates a robust immune response after a single dose

Bonaccini: “If there is an exacerbation, evaluate the homogeneous limitations of all.”

With the Covid variants circulating, “and it seems to me that in Italy, even where it will still be yellow, however the standards are getting worse, I think it will be appropriate, in the next few hours and days, to find ourselves between the government and the provinces, and in this sense, I spoke yesterday with The new minister, Gilmini, and I heard Roberto Speranza on the phone, to understand that, and scientists should tell them that, if there is really a deterioration as we see it. ” So said the President of Emilia-Romagna and the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonacini, to SkyTg24, regarding the system of colored “bands” to contain the infection from Covid.

Bonacini explains that if “this deterioration is not only in a specific region” but “in general for the country” then it must be understood, if it is not feasible to “implement” a homogeneous constraint, for a few weeks, also an attempt to go and review the rules. Because for example – the Governor reminds us – the issue of bars and restaurants is the most punished each time. ”Yet, he concludes,“ The important thing, as always, is to talk and talk to each other and try to find the best answers. ”

Stefano Bonacini, President of the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces (photo Ansa / Lami)

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