The government wants to improve the network of science and business

The government wants to improve the network of science and business

February 23, 2021, 2:10 pm

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) The state of Baden-Württemberg is providing millions more to improve the communication between science and business. It’s about linking both fields more closely in order to be able to transfer university knowledge more frequently to business models, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschman (The Greens) said Tuesday in a presentation of the new financing program. According to the government, a total of 6.1 million euros is available for this.

The program has different priorities and targets both scientists who are just starting out with their product ideas or business models and in advanced projects. For example, an already existing “emerging engines” initiative that supports founders in their search for investors will be expanded.

In addition, the state government announced the introduction or expansion of additional funding offers, among others with the aim of identifying and developing promising research projects at an early stage and receiving reliable information on the economic viability of these initiatives in a timely manner. method.

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