The French regional services space continues to expand in Montbrun

The French regional services space continues to expand in Montbrun

Their mission is to support the public in administrative procedures and to facilitate the use of digital tools as part of these procedures. Extramural offices are provided in La Rochette and Chazelle city halls and in Montbrun at the CDC headquarters. Not forgetting the Marathon EFS at the postal agency.

“As of January 23, an additional service will be provided every Tuesday from 2 pm to 5 pm in Montbrun to meet the needs of users. The second shift is necessary in light of the significant development in requests. In La Rochefoucauld, we are required to be present for 25 hours but the rest Time, we are in other work centers, as close as possible to the users. This reduces the distance between the user and the service, which is essential. Fabrice Mazier explains.

Another business, Digital Cafés for Learning Together. This project was launched in October 2023 and is now hitting its stride with four meetings per month in four different locations. “Meetings in addition to group workshops at MJC and EFS and personal meetings. Participants come with their digital tools, tablets and smartphones and ask their questions over coffee or tea. It is also an opportunity to meet and share. This often removes anxiety and obstacles that we may encounter and creates mutual assistance. Evolution of Mary Fanny Gishu.

Topics are varied: how to make a call using a smartphone, digital security, how to take a photo and send it, QR codes, or even installing apps and creating accounts. “Our role is to explain to them, and work with them, until they finally gain independence.” The digital consultant adds that all these services are free and open to everyone.

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Digital Cafés are held every month on the third dayH Monday on Charas IVH Monday at Chazelle IIIH Saturday at the Montbron Media Library and at 1any Tuesday at AGRIS Media Library.

Espace France services 05 86 75 02 75. Digital support: 06 58 63 74 38

CDC Montbron Office: Tuesday from 2 pm to 5 pm and Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

La Rochette Municipal Office: Tuesday 2:30pm – 5:30pm

Chazelle Municipal Office: Thursday: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

France Service Marathon, Post Office, 05 45 23 58 22

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