The Easter egg was discovered on the console 20 years after it was launched

The Easter egg was discovered on the console 20 years after it was launched

The first Xbox console of the name did not reveal all its secrets clearly. According to our colleagues from Kotaku, a new Easter egg has been discovered, more than 20 years after the console launched in 2001.

Xbox, Easter egg
Credit: Microsoft

More than 20 years after its launch in 2001, who would have thought Xbox still had some secrets to share? This is indeed the case, our colleagues from Kotaku told us. In fact, one of Microsoft’s first console list developers contacted Kotaku’s editorial staff to give them some clues on Find out this Easter egg that has been kept secret all these years.

In defense of all players, it must be said that the maneuver is particularly complex and complex, and That you had no chance to get your hands on this Easter egg by chance. After finding an Xbox owner tending to lend their devices for a try, Kotaku reporters followed the relevant developer to the message:

  • First of all, you had to go to the “Music” tab and then insert an audio CD
  • Then burn the CD from the list as a new album
  • Change album name to Timmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! (Write there 26 times in total), perhaps as a tribute to the famous South Park character

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Xbox, Easter egg
Credit: Kotaku

Easter egg, a common practice since 1980

After doing that, just go back to the Xbox main menu, then go to “Settings” and then the “System” tab. This is where the Easter egg hides, It is embodied by the name of the four developers behind the console menu. One way for them to sign their work. “It’s been 20 years, and I thought it’d be cool for people to know this secret. It’s been a long time since I remembered the trick to get to him! I had to restart Xbox and run several tests to make sure of myself, ” It tells the anonymous source of Kotaku.

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For memory, It was the first Easter egg in history for Atari AdventureIt was developed by Warren Robinet in 1980. While the publisher refused to give credit to Warren Robinet, So the developer hid his name in a secret room, Can be accessed via hidden pixels. The youngest ones can also see a sweet homage to that Easter egg in the excellent movie Ready player one By Steven Spielberg. Reminder, Easter egg was discovered in Windows 95 as recently as 25th OS release.

Source : Kotaku

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