The competition is also played on bottle labels

The competition is also played on bottle labels

The wine fair opens on Friday, May 5th at the Espace Maine in Laval and ends on Sunday, May 7th at 6pm. More than 60 winegrowers from all over France are present at the 22nd edition of this event, in addition to about twenty local products. So visitors can taste wine, as well as foie gras, honey, cheese and oysters. To attract new customers, wine growers improve the photos of their wine bottles, using attractive labels.

Blue flag of France

“The important thing is what’s in the bottle.”

Sylvain Martin sells bottles of Beaujolais and Mâconnais. This retired winegrower, based in Chance, near Mâcon, in Saône-et-Loire, participates in the Salon des Vins with her husband to discover the bottles produced by her two sons, who have taken over the family business. I noticed that , New customers first look at the bottle label.I think young people are a bigger priority, but our former clients are what’s in it, in the bottle.” Says this vintner who has been coming to the Salon des Vins de Laval since the first edition. For her part, her husband, Jean-Jacques Martin, does not entirely agree: “What matters is what’s in the bottle!“.

The field can be identified in red on this label, which is what it is intended for "Soft and traditional".
The field can be identified in red on this label, which is meant to be “soft and traditional”.
© Radio France

Maïwenn Bordon

A little further, Caroline Charrier offers bottles of Côtes du Rhône and Châteauneuf-du-Pape. The domain manager, who is in Vaucluse, knows that she is trying to have a marketing logic, even if His main concern iswine“.If it’s too old, I think it needs to be changed. But we’ve tried to make it clear, to be cool with the main writings that should be there. Since I make wine very traditionally, I make a completely traditional labeldescribes Domaine Font de Courtedune’s property manager.

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Another vintner, Brigitte Nohood, is also spending time Developing each visual from Côtes de Blaye, in Bordeaux. “The problem with the French now in general is, when you don’t know, you want a bottle, what do you do? It’s the look. So I say stop and savorconfirms the director of Château Haut-Lambert.

This label "Sober and elegant"According to a winemaker in Schaan near Macon.
The appellation is “subtle and elegant,” according to the winemaker in Chan, near Macon.
© Radio France

Maïwenn Bordon

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