The bus driver is sick, Dillon is a heroic 13-year-old schoolboy at the wheel with 66 students on board.

The bus driver is sick, Dillon is a heroic 13-year-old schoolboy at the wheel with 66 students on board.

The facts took place on Wednesday in Michigan.

This is called having reflexes and also a good dose of courage. Dillon Reeves, 13, got behind the wheel of his school bus Wednesday afternoon when the driver became unwell.

The student was returning home from Carter Prep School in Warren. Michigan, along with 66 other students when the driver passed out. She just warned on her radio that she was not feeling well and was going to stop. She then had a jolt and collapsed on her handlebars, reports say daily Mail.

A school bus driver, driving 66 children in Michigan, suffers a medical emergency and becomes incapacitated. 13-year-old Dillon Reeves jumps in to the rescue and stops the bus. (Video: WXYZ)

—MikeSington April 28, 2023

The bus was fortunately in a straight line and kept going until young Dillon took over. He jumped up from his seat and threw his bag away to move on. The teenager managed to brake and turn the bus over to the side. He also solemnly asked his comrades to call for help, as evidenced by the bus control video.

No victim is booed, but the young men were frightened as evidenced by the laughter that can be heard in the video. Dillon, he showed a lot of composure at his young age. “He got up, assessed the situation and saw that the driver had lost consciousness. It was an act of extraordinary bravery.”said moderator Robert Levernois.

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