The best feature film comes from Kyiv

The best feature film comes from Kyiv

A scene from the winning movie Lucky Girl Photo: BW Film Show

Filmschau Baden-Württemberg awarded Ukrainian cancer drama “Lucky Girl” directed by Maresya Nikityuk in the Best Feature Film category.


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Ukrainian cancer drama “Lucky Girl” directed by Marisia Nikityuk from Kiev won an award 28th Film Show Baden-Württemberg Film Award in the Feature Narrative category. Nikityuk could not come to the award ceremony on Sunday in the Old Castle. The 37-year-old director found out about the award in a live call between Stuttgart and Kiev. A Stuttgart native, Sven Schnell, was a co-producer.

Awards for documentaries, shorts and animations

The winner of the Short Film Prize is Julia Scheubius of the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy in Ludwigsburg for “Luckywon”. The Documentary Award for “On the Money Trail” went to Suzanne Beninger, Brett Baer and Stuttgart-based Corso Film and TV Productions. The Giant and the Seed, directed by Sara Chabani Hesari of the Animation Institute of the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy, won the Film Prize in the Animated Film category.

Each of the Baden-Württemberg Film Awards was awarded €2,000. Despite all the crises, the movie lives on as diverse as ever. “The best evidence: the showing of the film,” said Secretary of State for the Arts Arne Brown.

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