Test match: New Zealand beat Fiji, which had several Prevests and Claremont

Test match: New Zealand beat Fiji, which had several Prevests and Claremont

But the outcome does not necessarily reflect the face of the meeting. The New Zealand Fijians (21-11 in the first half, 31-23 at the hour mark), who had to wait the last twenty minutes to get off the scoreboard were always pushed by.

On the Fijian side – who scored three attempts during that match (Tuisue, Kunavula and one penalty attempt) – there were several CA Brive and ASM Clermont players.

Clermontois Ravai was a name, just like the previous Briviste Doge. The substitutes played at the start of the first half, Yato (ASM), or even Corréziens Narisia and Tuicuvu in the second half. Ex-Prevest Poliruaruwa, who will play in La Rochelle this season, also took part in this encounter.

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