Test: Age of Empires IV, The Return of the King

Test: Age of Empires IV, The Return of the King

when announcingAge of Empires IVPerplexity can increase excitement. On the other hand, the developers’ choice to return to the medieval period, is already covered inextricably Age of Empires II, which is nothing more or less than the most underrated title in the series, could raise fears of a no-risk. On the other hand, we were pleased to find this sacred monster in real time strategy, which marked a generation of players through its presentation of antiquity and then the medieval era, but also and above all through the symbol of “Wololo”. This is not the enthusiasm that the announcement, followed by the release of releases, sparked. Topspin Of those who are usually called AoE IAnd AoE II And AoE III, which would negate the franchise’s appeal to STR fans and other PC players. Untouchable and stigmatize a whole type with a hot iron and change it useful on the occasion definitive edition More than happy buffs. So how, how the hell did Relic and World’s Edge, commissioned by Microsoft to revive the license, embark on this risky and crazy project of confrontation Age of Empires IV To the rock, to the king … to the legend?

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