Take-Two – Nerd4.life says Xbox Game Pass and subscriptions don’t make sense for important games

Take-Two – Nerd4.life says Xbox Game Pass and subscriptions don’t make sense for important games

Xbox Game Pass Miscellaneous Subscriptions similar it has no meaning because I am important gamesThis is the view expressed by Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two, during a recent meeting with investors.

It’s a very simple concept, backed up by numbers: it’s clear that 150 million copies of GTA 5 and 38 million copies of Red Dead Redemption 2 will not do the company any good. takeovers Unusual if the two addresses are included on the first day in such a service.

“Our opinion has not changed: we think a subscription makes sense to allow access to a . games large catalogBut that doesn’t make sense for the big titles, Zelnick said.

“For any business model to make sense, it must work as well for the creators of the entertainment product as it does for consumers who enjoy these experiences.”

“I think having access to the catalog makes sense for publishers and the most voracious users, who want a large number of titles. But when it comes to important games, making ends meet is a lot more complicated.”

However, the CEO said he is ready to reconsider all of this in light of any changes. “We have an open mind. Some of our books have been available on subscription services, and rarely are the most important.”

“However, we continue to see this opportunity as a catalog-related offering, rather than mainstream products.”

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