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Switzerland Awakening / Full / Sports / Home

Switzerland is small in size, and it is still the land of horses. In order to strengthen its presence, significant investments are made in the event. A development that allowed the team to experience the beginning of the year crowned with many victories.

At the helm of the Swiss event organizing team since 2018, although he has been part of the federal staff since 1990, Dominique Berger is the origin of the reconstruction project. ” We couldn’t move forward like this, it was time to build something lasting for Swiss events. And as a trump card in the development of the equestrian sports triathlon, the team leader decided to call the experienced Andrew Nicholson. “ I talked about it with Dominik on Tryon. He told me he was interested in a coach to qualify them for the Olympics. We are very good friends, he convinced me to come and help him put together a team to play in the front rows… ‘,” the New Zealand rider identifies.

Andrew Nicholson, New Zealander

At the beginning of 2019, the triple Olympic medalist officially started his collaboration by organizing his first in-house training with the Swiss executive elite. ” He tested them firsthand but they resisted and showed they could. It was great, I was so proud to have such riders Dominic Burger explains. Since that date, he has accompanied the team in cross section. Training began in January with courses held until March, and since the competitions started again, he has been on the slopes along with the red jackets. A major asset to the team’s riders. ” He knows many things! It’s crucial, it teaches us everything in training, in horse programs “In addition to the technical plan, Andrew Nicholson brings serenity to the team,” says Robin Goodell. He is someone who gives such a positive attitude. When we are in the starting box, the command is “Continue”, “Everything will be fine”, “Do what you used to do and we’ll see you in the end”. In addition, he understands how everyone works and gives a few tips. For example, he told me in Tokyo, “If you have time to see the landscape, it’s because you’re not going fast enough.” It may sound childish but you easily understand what you have to do Melody Junner says.

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The rest of this article can be found in Issue 426 of L’Eperon Hebdo (published on July 13, 2022), available on our website digital store.

Alan Kararick

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