

A unique learning opportunity: Effective storytelling techniques, if you want to communicate about information management, its impact and how to contribute to epidemic management practices

Tuesday 26 July 2022 4:00 PM CST – Geneva

Stories feed information. By understanding how well storytelling in the emotional sciences can reach target audiences and make stories go viral, CIOs can take the same approach to telling their own stories about working on the front lines of managing the informational pandemic in times of COVID-19 and being more efficient in their jobs.

Informatics are stories that form and evolve over time. Understanding how to quickly create the stories and the emotional and cognitive shortcuts they rely on to publish are skills that all storytellers know. These are also invaluable skills for information epidemic managers to tell their own stories of how they were exposed to the epidemic as well as personal and professional accompaniment to the information epidemic. By developing these storytelling skills, information managers can become more effective at communicating and explaining to others what information management looks like in practice, and what types of strategies have worked (as well as those that haven’t).

The World Health Organization, in partnership with The Story Collider, wishes to enhance the skills of public health practitioners to advance science and health through the art of personal storytelling.

This webinar is part of an upcoming training and assessment project to build the capacity of CIOs to tell effective stories in the field.

We invite you to join us for this webinar

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For anyone interested in learning more about the art of science storytelling, there is perhaps no more powerful tool than storytelling to engage audiences on an emotional and personal level.

Tuesday 26 July 2022 4:00 PM CST – GenevaJoin WHO’s Tina Burnat and Mariam Zaringalam for an introductory webinar on the basics of science storytelling and how they relate to managing an informational epidemic.

The webinar will be held in English, French and Spanish.

After registration, you will receive a confirmation email with information about your participation in the webinar.


Tina Burnat

Tina Burnat is the Informational Epidemic Management Team Leader in the High Impact Event Preparedness Unit, Division of Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention at the World Health Organization. She has worked for more than 20 years in the World Health Organization, the European Union and academia, and her experience includes research, analysis and health policy development with a focus on promoting the use of health information and evidence in decision-making and health policy development. As part of the WHO response to COVID-19, she has worked to develop and shape the WHO’s response to the information epidemic and management interventions, for which she was awarded the WHO Pathfinder Prize for Research and Innovation in 2021.

Maryam Zringalam

Mary is a Senior Producer for The Story Collider, producing and hosting shows in the Washington, DC area since 2017. A molecular biologist by training, she has replaced her pipettes with the world of science communication, politics, and advocacy. She received her Ph.D. from Rockefeller University in 2017 and has published her writing in the scientific journals Nature, Scientific American, and the Washington Post.

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Claire Wardle

Claire Wardle, Professor of Practice at Brown University School of Public Health, co-founder and co-director of the Futures Information Laboratory. Previously, she was CEO and co-founder of First Draft, a non-profit organization that works to find solutions to the challenges of trust and truth in the digital age. Claire is the world’s leading expert on misinformation and dealing with misinformation, having worked on a variety of social topics across multiple continents.

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