Steam Deck OS is only 10GB in size, providing more space for games

Steam Deck OS is only 10GB in size, providing more space for games

The upcoming Steam Deck laptop has followed a healthy diet when it comes to its operating system. A screenshot of SteamOS image 20211120.2 was posted to the Metacouncil website earlier this month by an “I See You” forum user.

Among the notes on touch screen reliability, HDMI connectivity, and WiFi improvements, one point reads: “The operating system and pre-installed software now take up less space on the internal disk (~10 GB, versus ~24 GB)”.

According to pre-release speculation, the OS took up 40GB, presumably based on a new Windows installation for PCs around 30GB, with Android for mobile taking between 7 and 32GB, depending on the manufacturer and phone specifications. Running on Linux-based software, we expected Steam Deck to barely reach 13GB, but it’s clear that these Valve smarts have been busy simplifying the software for their dedicated mobile devices.

As mentioned in the title of their article, downgrading to just 10 GB is good news for potential owners of the lower 64 GB version, freeing up more space for those very important games. As every bit of storage space can be critical to hardware being a viable option for the top AAA titles.

Steam Deck is slated to launch in February 2022, and has been pushed back to December of this year.

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