Stadt Haag – A fun reading adventure with Adele Neuhauser

Stadt Haag – A fun reading adventure with Adele Neuhauser

Douglas Adams used to lead the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Now he embarks on a journey around the world, to the endangered species of the planet, to the Komodo dragon lizard, to the world’s largest and fattest parrot in New Zealand and to the hearing-impaired dolphins of the Yangtze River.

Cult author Adams wrote a book on the subject called Their Last Kind, from which Adele Neuhauser read merrily and with great expression on one occasion on Sunday. Jazz punk band Eddie Knowles, their son by the way, as revealed by Christian Dolezal during the welcome onstage, provided background music.


Musically, Adele Neuhauser was accompanied by Eddie Knowles, a punk jazz band.


Neuhauser skillfully crafted her own joke lines and each story generated a laugh, which sometimes got stuck in the throat. Because the bizarre travel reports were honest but frightening at times. Reading as part of the Pearl series stimulated thought and provided the best fun entertainment. Great enthusiasm for one of the coolest formats, the Interns, who accompany you all day long.

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