Space for French services in La Charité-sur-Loire in the first half of 2022 and the third place in 2024

Space for French services in La Charité-sur-Loire in the first half of 2022 and the third place in 2024

“The procedure for requesting the opening of the space for the services of France has been launched, and we are waiting for the green light.” The Charity-sur-Loire therefore expected the closure of the municipal treasury on December 31, 2021. “I was warned a little more than a year ago and we worked on how to ensure the continuity of service to the public and local communities”, The mayor, Henry Valles, points out.

In the face of this year’s treasury closure, La Charité-sur-Loire . is adapting

This approach fits more broadly with its “constant struggle to maintain public services and services to the public”, such as transportation. “We were able to maintain post office hours at La Charité,” he says. While he regrets the closure of Crédit Lyonnais Agency on December 31, 2021 as well. We are losing service to the public. The bank that goes away is terrible. “

In the face of the dematerialization of documents, France Services spaces are growing like mushrooms. A kind of “compensation” of the state. “The governor told us we could move to twenty-nine French service sites in Nevers, so we decided to build one in La Charité. We already have the mobile service truck that I set up a few months ago at the Intercommunal Social Center, which cuts across the territory, but comes little to no La Charité. We have 5,000 inhabitants, the needs are great.”

in twice

This place (France services label to be obtained according to exact specifications) will be published in two phases.

  • In 2022 in a downtown store. Henri Valès announced: “We will, first of all, install France Services in a downtown store, in the first half of 2022.”
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“We will rent, we have three possible options of shops, and we compare them to decide. We have aid of 30,000 euros from the state, we will hire two people who will have six days of training to be service agents in France, with the role of reception, support and orientation towards the nine partner services (Financial Public Funds, CAF, Health Insurance, Pension Insurance, MSA, La Poste, Pôle emploi, Point Justice, National Title Agency).”

Then, under the programmed process of Habitat Improvement – Urban Regeneration (OPAH-RU) commencing in La Charité for a period of five years, a permanent home will be created for specialists associated with France services. “We already have offices in the city hall of the Council for Architecture, Urban Planning and the Environment (CAUE) and most recently, of the Architect of Buildings in France.” These services will therefore be transferred to the French services, adding Nièvre Rénov’, a model organization that manages all aid for the improvement, particularly energy, of housing .

  • In the year 2024 in the call center, rue Antoine-Amyot. The mayor continues: “French services have a profession to move because we have a very big project with the Bertrang Municipalities community, a third place called AéroNEF”.

A reception center for general services, but also digital, recruitment and training, which will be set up around the existing call center, “near the college roundabout”, locates the team. The project was formulated in 2016.

“This call center with three single workspaces is not working and we are going to make it a bigger place for the general public and project leaders (traders, artisans, tourist accommodations, associations, etc.). There is already the local mission there, and I would also like to have a Pôle emploi.”

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The AéroNEF des Bertranges aims to be an open space, welcoming, discussing, experimenting … ) and joyful spaces, meetings (living room, gallery, forum …).

The provisional cost is €650,000, including project management, rehabilitation work, interior and exterior fixtures, furniture and IT equipment.

A startup association will pilot the project. “We would like to open this third place in 2024.”

Domicile House and OPAH-RU. OPAH-RU is a state-led process that allows owners to be supported in engineering and financial to renovate their habitat (insulation) and provide them with a quality environment through urban renewal. “We are at the beginning of the operating phase,” Henry Vallis stated. “In 2020, we made a diagnosis where we identified 120 idle buildings in the city center. In 2021, we defined goals and strategies: we chose a small neighborhood in the lower part of the city and “wart” buildings. Thus, the Habitat House, linked to France services, will be established to support OPAH -RU. “I quit for five years of work, to settle the case of a third or a quarter of these 120 warts.”

Beren Volbert

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