Solar storm pierced Earth’s magnetic field: the aurora borealis turn pink, a stunning sight

Solar storm pierced Earth’s magnetic field: the aurora borealis turn pink, a stunning sight

Pictures of the phenomenon are causing panic on the Internet. Here is why and how.

Incredible show. A unique phenomenon.

every day, solar storms on the surface of the sun. And sometimes these storms are so strong that they manage to “hit” a land in particular by disturbing its magnetic field. On November 7, for example, someone provoked Radio outages in the South Pacific including Australia and New Zealand.

Read also:
M5 solar storm hits Earth: radio outages in several countries

Two hours

A few days ago, Thursday, November 3, a solar storm penetrated the Earth’s magnetic field above Norway. consequences, According to Livescience.comAnd the “The breach allowed high-energy solar particles to penetrate deeper than usual into the atmosphere, releasing unusually colored lights.”. Thus, the aurora borealis acquired a picturesque pink color. “The strongest pink aurora in 10 years”According to Varik, a guide who specializes in the aurora borealis who was able to witness the spectacle with our colleagues. An animated scene that lasted more than two hours.

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